Sunday, 8 January 2012

Late Introduction

I think its only fair that i give you a bit of an insight to my work...the highs,  the lows,  all that jazz.
I have always been an artist,  it was my thing,  until my teacher without realizing, smashed my dreams and hypothetically repeatedly kicked me in the face.  But im getting ahead of myself,  i only began studying photography when i moved to college in i think 2009.  To begin with it was more of a laugh than anything else,  but it wasn't long before i got in to the subject and realized that there could be something in this.  I began my current course (foundation in art and design)  unsure on whether i wanted to specialize in art or photography but as i said,  it wasn't long before art was out of the question,  now i have come to terms with things i am 100% convinced my life will evolve around photography,  its what i love,  already i have a number of blogs,  website,  flicker,  Facebook page and high hopes for the future.

In studying photography i have been fortunate to have visited Morocco

and cuba...

We are also heading of to Istanbul in February.  Outside of college i have photographed Switzerland (zermatt)  France and places closer to home such as Brighton,  Bristol,  Falmouth,  the Isle of Wight,  London and many more.  I have learnt that photography is a way of life and you never know when you may miss that perfect photograph because you have left your camera at home.

My Work
I cant say that i have one specific genre within photography that i am interested in,  i have photographed landscapes,  urban areas,  city spaces,  out door portraiture,  studio portraiture (high key and low Key) and many more,  i am very open minded and am yet to narrow it down to one specialized area.  (At some point i will blog my whole portfolio when it is complete and ready.)

This Blog
I will be using this blog as more of a diary/scrapbook of my current work,  projects in and out of the educational scene so stay tuned and enjoy.

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