Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Inventive Styling

We got the brief for our new three week project,  its called inventive styling...
We recieved a list of inventions-
  • Telephone
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Bra
  • Light Bulbs
  • Stiletto Heels
Initial Brainstorm-

In this project you are to investigate styling within photography,  you are to produce a series of photogrpahs or a film that presents an invention/product in origional ways.  You are to utilise different styles and genres to give a contemorary feel to your images.  You are asked to find creative ways of utalising the object as props that models can interact with.

Basically,  Advetising...

My thoughts
I like it.  I think this project will give me a oppertunity to present different techniques and styles,  I am not used to using one specific prop in a photoshoot but i have always been intrested in advertising and how companys present there product in intresting ways to entise the audience...  but now,  its my turn.

I will keep you posted as my ideas progress.

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