Saturday, 28 April 2012


This shoot is to capture the potential of the human form through the beautiful and almost sensual art of dance.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Body Scapes


This set of images shows the body in a fine art, abstract style.  The idea is to take away the personality of the model keeping the focus on the form itself,  the abstract ones are significant because it emphasises the intricacy of the body.


Thursday, 26 April 2012


Skiing and snowboarding are one of the many sports that emphasise the potential of the human body.

Final Major Project

Body Scapes

The title of my final project of my foundation course and ultimately college is 'Body Scaping'  The idea came form my fascination of the human form.  My intentions where to look at the ability of the human body through photography of sports, fine art and dance.  I find sport and dance best show the potential of the human body and both have the potential for some really striking photography.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

24 Hour Experiment Result

Here are a few of the images that where taken during the process...

Monday, 23 January 2012

24 Hour Experiment

Following on with the idea that television turns its audience in to useless and emotionless lumps,  i decided to put it to the test and record through images the process taking place.  The proposed idea was to take one human simply sit them in front of the television for 24 hours taking a picture every half and hour.  

A few days later the proposed idea became reality,  the pictures above show the television camera set up and the subject.  These pictures where taken by mobile early on in the process and it can be assured that smile wont be around for long.

Stay Posted....